MySpace Dark Horse Presents Volume 5 continues to exhibit the greatest comics creators in the biz alongside the newest newbies trying to break in: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight makes another appearance with newly popular vampire Harmony in a tale from one of the series writers, Jane Espenson . . . Conan brings bloodshed and barbarism as only he can with writer and artist Darick Robertson . . . Another Robert E. Howard character, Solomon Kane, gives Eisner Award-winning artist Guy Davis a chance to show us his take on the Puritan warrior . . . Dean Motter's Mister X presents a mystery . . . Matt Kindt's Giant Man continues his saga . . . And then we have the newbies: A sweet story with sweet birdies . . . A scary story with scary birdies . . . A Jekyll and Hyde meet Sherlock Holmes mystery . . . A tragic tale that makes you really feel for all those mythical horrors . . . A crossdimensional superhero anecdote that will make you laugh . . . You know what? That's not even all of the good stuff jam packed into this volume of modern superdiversity! Don't miss out on MDHP Volume 5! Softcover, 168 pages, full color. Cover price $19.95.
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