The Monolith

620 грн.
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Автор Jimmy Palmiotti
Ілюстратор Phil Winslade
Видавництво Image
Палітурка Твердый
Мова  Англійська
Кількість сторінок 96
Ілюстрації Кольорові

Категорії: Комікси

We are introduced to Alice Cohen, a down and out ex-junkie who inherits a house in Brooklyn from her deceased grandmother. Alice discovers her diary and begins to read the tale of a lost love and revenge that begins in the factories of New York during the depression and shows the creation of a monster bent on revenge for the slaying of a good honest man. Originally published by DC comics, but collected here for the first time, featuring an introduction by the legendary JIM STERANKO and the amazing art by PHIL WINSLADE.

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