Voltron №2

50 грн.
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Видавництво Devils Due Publishing
Палітурка Скоба
Мова  Англійська
Кількість сторінок 32
Формат 170х260 мм (стандарт.)
Ілюстрації Кольорові

Категорії: Комікси

by Dan Jolley, E.J. Su, & Clint Hilinski Following the shocking raid on Arus, the five members of the Voltron Force stage a secret mission to Earth, determined to take back what's theirs. At the same time, the newly demoted Commander Hawkins uncovers startling corruption at the highest levels of Galaxy Garrison ? and a threat that could give the Drule Supremacy a decisive upper hand in the interstellar cold war! It's action, infiltration, and the first appearance of the Vehicle Voltron team, in Chapter 2 of "Paradise Lost!" FC, 32pg$2.95 Cover price $2.95.

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